Saturday, August 21, 2010

I don't like FESTIVALS

There are thing in this world that I can't stand at all viz crackers, color and communities. Last year during Maharashtra biggest festival of Ganesha and people were out with there mandal for the emerging of idol and of course it's colors and crackers everywhere and it hurt me like anything else however I realized something which was hurting more then the crackers and colors i.e. communities

My building are mixed culture building of Muslim, Hindu(marathi) and we two mongoloid . The whole building which was used to fight, laugh together was divided that , while Hindu were celebrating with the biggest crackers they have, the Muslim are standing as spectator which let me asking myself why can't they also join the mandal why! why! why! cant it be a festival which can be celebrated by everybody in this freaking world, when will be the time human being start acting like HUMANS.

To me religious festival should be banned if it is not celebrated by everyone regardless of who they are and where they are from. For once and for forever there is no harm in being just human being.

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